Canine and Feline Oral Disease

Canine and Feline Oral Disease

Oral disease can be complicated to diagnose and treat appropriately in the dog and cat, such as oral tumors and growths, immune disorders, stomatitis, tooth resorption, injured teeth, and oral manifestations of systemic disease.

As a dental specialist, Dr. Winter’s level of education, clinical training, and experience allows your pet to receive the most advanced and current diagnostic and treatment recommendations for these oral diseases. The experienced, trained eye of the dental specialist often discerns subtle changes indicative of oral diseases that may be missed during an oral exam performed as part of a routine physical exam.

Fractured Teeth Tooth Resorption Feline Stomatitis/Mucositis Chronic Ulcerative Paradental Stomatitis (CUPS) Gingival Enlargement (Hyperplasia) Discolored tooth