Anesthesia and Pain Management

Anesthesia and Pain Management: Putting Your Pet's Comfort First

We understand that anesthesia is often the top concern for pet owners when considering dental procedures for their pets. At Midwest Animal Dental & Oral Surgery, we take this concern to heart, ensuring that our anesthetic protocols are customized for each individual patient based on their medical history, thorough physical examination, and pre-anesthetic diagnostic lab results. No two patients are treated the same way.

Our skilled veterinary technicians closely monitor and record vital parameters during anesthesia, just like a human anesthesiologist would. This includes blood pressure, heart rate, EKG patterns, oxygenation, carbon dioxide, respiration rate, and temperature. These values complement the veterinary technician's direct observation and hands-on monitoring of your pet during anesthesia and recovery.

We remain "hands-on" with your pet until they have fully recovered from the effects of anesthesia.

Many human dental procedures can hurt! This is a major reason why most people don’t go to the dentist is their fear of pain. We understand that some of our dental treatments can also be discomforting. It is a priority that your pet is comfortable in recovery and the days that follow.

Why doesn't my pet show signs of pain?

If you have ever had a painful tooth, you know how miserable this can be! Animals have no different perception of pain than you. It is just as painful for them. But, in most cases, the pet does not appear to hurt, and their appetite is not changed. This is not surprising if we consider that in the wild, an animal who showed weakness would starve or would become vulnerable to a predator.

Therefore, they suffer silently and do not show outward signs of pain until it is extremely severe. On the other hand, after treatment, many pets will show great improvement in their attitude and overall energy level.